Orthoptera report 2016
Overall it was a poor season for Orthoptera, because of the poor weather in May and June numbers of Orthoptera recorded this year were reduced.
Grassland was quieter with numbers of Metrioptera roeseli, Roesel's bush-cricket much reduced, so much so that Conocephalus discolor, Long-Winged Conehead could be easily heard, something that is usually impossible because of the volume of the Roesel's stridulation.
Other records for the year include Common Ground hoppers being recorded almost every month from April. Ground hoppers overwinter as nymphs and adults so are always the first Orthoptera to be seen.
Meconema meridionale, Southern Oak bush-cricket is now a common species in gardens and is easily found when pruning shrubs in gardens.
Finally a Acheta domestica, House Cricket was heard calling from the front garden of a house in Crouch End during two warm evenings in early September.