London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London

Monitoring London's Wildlife

There are lots of great reasons to join the London Natural History Society (LNHS).

Membership fees allow us to continue doing the work we do across London to monitor and record wildlife, ensuring decision and policy makers have the information that they need to ensure London's natural history is protected.

This includes supporting the 3 taxonomic sections of the Society: Botany Section, Ecology & Entomology Section and London Bird Club Section.

Previous project have included the Hampstead Heath Millenial Flora Project and the London Bird Atlas, and we are currently working on a London Butterfly Atlas, 2 projects transcribing historic bird records and the London Flora Project.

Membership Benefits

Members of the Society are invited to all of our field events, indoor meetings and virtual talks, as well as taking part in our ecological survey work through our projects, the Hampstead Heath Survey and the Bookham Common Survey.

Members also receive a quarterly newsletter and our annual journals: The London Naturalist and London Bird Report

The LNHS library is locacted with the Natural History Museum (London) and regularly updated with new publications. Ity is open to the public and LNHS members have the added benefit of being able to loan publications. In addition members can subscribe to our reading circles, which circulate various specialist magazines and journals at reduced rates.


Our members come from all walks of life, and range from complete beginners to distinguished scientists. We share a common love of the natural world, and a desire to learn more about it, and share our expertise. We are charity and all our events are organised solely by volunteers.

Details of the benefits of becoming a member iof the LNHS are povided in the column on the left.

Join the London Natural History Society

Joining the Society is simple and can be done online through the links for our various membership options below. The subscription falls due on 1st January each year. The first annual subscription of a new member joining after 1 October willl also cover the year following the year in which they join. Note that your online form details are not stored on a database but are emailed to the membership secretary (see our Data Protection webpage for more details). For details of submitting membership applications by post and paying by cheque, please scroll down to the bottom of this webpage.

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal for the calendar year takes place in January. To preserve your membership benfits please click on the approprate renew link for your membership option below and then use the Paypal screen.

Ordinary Member: £20

Individual membership to the LNHS and open to all members of the public.

  • Click here to become an Ordinary Member (please note: due to a temporary technical glitch, please fill in this form and e-mail it as an attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

    You can then pay via PayPal by clicking on the option to Renew Ordinary Membership below.  Alternatively ask for our bank account details when you e-mail the form

  • Click here to renew an Ordinary Membership

Student Member: £5

Anyone under 18, and people of any age who are in full-time education.

  • Click here to become a Student Member  (please note: due to a temporary technical glitch, please fill in this form and e-mail it as an attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

    You can then pay via PayPal by clicking on the option to Renew Student Membership below.  Alternatively ask for our bank account details when you e-mail the form

  • Click here to renew a Student Membership

Family Member: £4

Where members of one family live at the same address, only one needs to pay the full subscription. Others can join as Family Members for £4 each, and do not receive publications except the Programme. For family membership please enroll one membership first (or renew your existing membership) and then This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details of the additional family members. Online payment for the additional family members is made at checkout.

Corporate Member: £20

Available to organisations such as companies, local authorities and colleges. Carries the same privileges as ordinary membership.

  • Click here to become a Corporate Member 

    (please note: due to a temporary technical glitch, please fill in this form and e-mail it as an attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

    You can then pay via PayPal by clicking on the option to Renew Corporate Membership below.  Alternatively ask for our bank account details when you e-mail the form

  • Click here to renew a Corporate Membership

Senior Membership: £16

Available to an ordinary member who is BOTH over 65 years of age and has been a member for 10 consecutive years

Gift Aid

If you have previously provided the LNHS with a Gift Aid declaration and not subsequently cancelled it, we will treat your renewal payment as qualifying for Gift Aid.  If you no longer pay enough tax you must let us know and you should also tell us if your name or address has changed or if you wish to cancel your declaration, which you can do at any time.  Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view do so or to check whether you have previously provided a Gift Aid declaration or if you have not previously provided a declaration and would now like to do so.

The London Natural History Society is a registered charity and therefore is able to take advantage of the Government's Gift Aid scheme. Under this scheme we are able to reclaim an extra 25p in tax for every £1.00 donated by a UK taxpayer. To enable us to claim Gift Aid on your subscription you must pay an amount of UK income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the Gift Aid on all your donations in the tax year and you are responsible for paying any difference.

Printable versions of membership forms for postal applications

Printable versions of the respective membership forms can be found below for those who are unable to pay online and would like to pay by cheque (see the instructions on the forms for details on sending us postal membership forms and cheques).