2023 is coming to a close so that means it AGM season again! Events this year are on Zoom and if you missed any of the talks, they can be viewed on the LNHS YouTube channel, once they are uploaded. Tickets can be booked via Eventbrite and are open to all members and non-members. Please find all AGM documents below.
2023 Society AGM documents
This year's AGM will be held on 7 December at 6.30pm, via Zoom. The event is free and open to all, but tickets must be booked via Eventbrite.
2023 Entomology & Ecology documents
The E&E AGM was held on 30 November at 6.30pm. The talk, given by Tony Madgwick, Notes on Beeing an LNHS Recorder, can be found on the LNHS YouTube channel
2023 Botany documents
This year's Botany AGM was held on 23 November at 6.30, with a talk by Peter Thomas, What have Trees Done For Us?