London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London

The London Naturalist

The London Naturalist is published annually and sent free to members. Current issues can be purchased separately. A standing order facility for receiving The London Naturalist and The London Bird Report on publication with an invoice is available.

For details of availability and cost of current and back issues see "Buying back issues" in the menu below.

For online access to historical editions and the predecessor publications (from 1896 onwards), visit the Biodiversity Heritage Library website (direct links to all LNHS publications of the BHL can be found here).

Editorial Correspondence

Full instructions to contributors are given inside the back cover of each journal. To enquire about submitting content for a future edition of a journal please email the editor: current details are given on the contact us page.

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The LHNS ethical policy for photographs can be found here.

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LN 2023 CoverThe London Naturalist is one of the flagship journals of the London Natural History Society and is published annually. All members receive this journal for free with their membership. The latest issue of The London Naturalist, edited by Clive Herbert, contains a number of reports, including on Odonata and London butterfly monitoring. There are also articles on winter bats, hibernating Herald moths and a North Atlantic Right whale in the River Thames in 1658. 


4      London Natural History Society 

5      Officers & Recorders 

8      Editorial

9      Presidential Address

18    Report of the Society for the year ending 30 June 2022

22    Treasurer’s report for the year ended 30 June 2022 

28    Official and sectional reports for 2022

68    Odonata report for 2022: Neil Anderson

73    London butterfly monitoring report for 2022: Leslie Williams 

84    Hibernating Herald Moths at a tunnel in Beddington Farmlands from 2003 to 2023: Derek Coleman

90    Winter bat movement in a London borough: Alison Fure & Mark Wagstaff

100  North Atlantic Right Whale Eubalaena glacialis in the River Thames: June 1658: Charles Nelson 

113  London Centipedes: Anthony D. Barber & Edward Milner

134  Moths of Blackheath and Greenwich Park: 1800–2023: Joe Beale 

198  Obituary: Anthony M. Hutson: Tom E.S. Langtont

202  Book reviews

207  Instructions to contributors