London Natural History Society The place for wildlife in London

London Natural History Society - The place for wildlife in London


LBR temppicThe London Bird Report (LBR) is an outstanding example of an annual, ornithological publication that has been published since 1937. It is currently a handsome 250+ page publication and counts amongst its editorial team some of the best known names in London and the home counties as well as people who are personalities on the wider British scene. The authoritative publication brings together the efforts of professional ornithologists and casual bird watchers to produce an annual distillation of bird records in the recording area of the London Natural History Society (a 20 mile radius of St Pauls Cathedral).

The core of the LBR is the systematic accounts compiled by a team of volunteers who carve up the accounts between them using records submitted by hundreds of observers. In addition, in the LBR there are a number of papers, including Ringing Reports, reports of surveys, site specific accounts and a mix of other popular and scientific papers. The LBR is elegantly designed to show tables and graphical data to best effect and is a full colour publication with use of photographs and illustrations.

Many people volunteer to take on a range of tasks from copy editing, the compilation of species accounts to reviewing scientific papers which have been received. The work is overseen by a strong editorial team. If you'd like more information, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..